Contact Information

Home: 308-895-2281

Phil Cell: 308-737-1500





Phil and Janice Bamesberger in their field of harvested wheat

Bamesberger Farms, “Tomorrows Farm Today”. We are stewards of God’s creation; enjoying success through  building soil health and placing our trust in the Lord. From farming to feeding we are Diversified, Qualified, Exemplified, and Solidified.

Hi, I’m Phil Bamesberger and welcome to our home page.  My wife Janice and I began farming after uniting in marriage in 1979 with ten cows and a half section of land. Not long after that our first landlord took a chance on a young couple and leased some ground to us.  As years went by we acquired more land, both purchased and leased. Our cow herd increased in numbers and we diversified with raising hogs. As our business grew we started adding additional help. Our farm operation is mostly “No-Till” and we rotate from fallow to wheat, to corn and back to fallow. Our proven yields can speak for themselves that this rotation has been working quite well. The crew we have now has adapted to our hard-working mentality and are dedicated to our operation. We love this way of life and have enjoyed raising our three wonderful daughters Trish, Sarah, and Angela, on “The Farm”. We are always looking for new opportunities and have the equipment and ability to efficiently get the maximum production out of every acre. Thanks for visiting our home page and we would love to hear from you.            

– Phil & Janice Bamesberger

Ephesians 1:3



“Now of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its breed of useful animals, and other branches of a husbandman’s cares.”       ~ George Washington~

“The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways.”      ~John F. Kennedy~

“We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.”       ~Henfy Ward Beecher~